The information you will be able to gather from doing vetting of individuals include criminal records, educational background, employment history, driving records, vehicle registration, credit records, ID Number verification, court records, personal references etc.

Sometimes some applicants attempt to inflate the numbers in the salaries they claim they received from the previous employers hoping to get a higher salary from the new company they are applying at. Vetting helps you avoid these kinds of individuals who resort to unethical means just to get more money.

Vetting also reveals criminal records, which are also very important pieces of information to use for assessing an applicant. Surely, you do not want to employ someone who has had a criminal offense of fraud history to work for you as an accountant. You do want to hire a person who has had records of child sexual abuse to work for your business that offers children services. 

Reasons for doing a criminal background check / background vetting:
A crucial step in the hiring procedure / maintaining ongoing trust with individuals:
Candidates will say anything just to get a job. Even it means lying about one's age, educational background or employment and whether they have ever committed any crime.

Some studies show that about 75% of candidates lie on their CV or during their job interview. Most
employers don't have the time to verify information / references. Also, some references lie about the candidate in order to protect them.
We recommend a pre employment polygraph test in conjunction with a criminal record check / ITC. Employing the wrong person can damage the image, reputation and integrity of the company. Losses can result from theft and then companies sit with labour problems when dismissing staff.
Checks can be done on existing staff to see if they have not received in criminal record or blacklisting during their employ. This is done in industry such as the mines - diamond and gold.

The saying "rather the devil you know than the devil you don't" can unfortunately become real in your business. These checks tell you if you can trust the individual or not. However remember that a person NOT having record does not mean they will never in future commit a crime. With the massive use of drugs by people these days results in theft, poor work performance and other serious HR issues.

Employment checking should not only be an optional step in the hiring process but should be required and mandatory. Yes, there is a small cost at the beginning but this is a fraction of costs of any future problems relating to negligent hiring.
In God we Trust…all others we vet!
Click here to see the list of available checks